with Chuck Conley of Stellar
Looking to explore the world of surfskis a little more? These two clinics are aimed at experienced kayakers or novice surf-skiers. They will cover all the fundamentals and offer an extended opportunity to paddle surfskis. They will be lead by top level surfski instructor Chuck Conley of Virginia Beach Paddlesports and Stellar. Space is limited and preregistration required, but there is no cost for the clinics. Paddlers can sign up for one or both. Call the shop to reserve a spot - 978-465-0312.
9:00 -12:00: Surf-ski fundamentals. This clinic will cover all the basics that you need to safely and enjoyably experience a surfski: boat fit, posture, hand placement, and forward stroke. If time and circumstances allow we'll touch on edging, bracing, and reverse strokes.
1:00 -4:00: Strokes and active water basics: Building off the morning's class or for paddlers already with some experience, we'll work more on strokes, edging and bracing. Then we'll get into the basics of swells, breaks, waves and hazards. As conditions permit, we can try a bit of surfing. If time allows, we will also touch on self and assisted rescues.
Class location will be determined closer to the date