Partnering in Paddling
White Rose Canoe is focused on helping build the paddling community, whether you prefer canoes, kayaks, SUP’s, pedal or surf skis. As part of that goal, we support organizations and events that support paddlers and watersheds. We urge you to do the same.
Organizations we support:
MITA is a membership organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the wild islands of coastal Maine. The Trail is a 375-mile water trail extending from the New Hampshire border to Canada, connecting over 200 wild islands and mainland sites open for day use or overnight camping. Site owners allow access trusting that MITA members and other users will be responsible stewards during their visits.
The Northern Forest Canoe Trail is a 740-mile water trail from Old Forge, New York to Fort Kent, Maine. The trail follows traditional travel routes used by Native American, settlers and guides. It is the longest inland water trail in the nation.
The NFCT fosters connection with the landscapes and communities and encourages patronage for the infrastructure that allows access for all and supports local community resilience.
To ease your planning, NFCT offers maps, books, and an online Trip Planner to help you pick your paddling route and connect you to local services. Accommodations range from primitive campsites to bed-and-breakfasts and historic hotels.
The Canadian Canoe Museum is a unique national heritage centre that explores the canoe’s enduring significance to the peoples of Canada, through an exceptional collection of canoes, kayaks and paddled watercraft. We’re an engaging, family-friendly museum with more than 100 canoes and kayaks on display. Visitors will enjoy interactive, hands-on galleries, a scavenger hunt, model canoe building and puppet theatre for children. Through inclusive, memorable and engaging exhibits and programs we share the art, culture, heritage and spirit of paddled watercraft with our communities.
Wooden Canoe Heritage Association
The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association began 40 years ago as a way to unite the wooden canoe community as well as to educate the general public about the beauty and history of these wonderful watercraft.
Learn More
The Wilderness Canoe Association is a non-profit community of outdoors individuals and families with a passion for canoeing and wilderness canoe travel.
The Wilderness Canoe Association is where you will find friends with whom to share your passion for the outdoors. With first-class paddling adventure stories to enjoy in our quarterly journal, “Nastawgan”, dozens of trips to participate in every year, and hundreds of experienced members to help you take your skills to the next level, you’ll be living your paddling dreams in no time.
We have around 500 members in the club, made up mostly of Canadians (from 9 provinces and 2 territories), about 80 from USA (from ~30 states), about 10 from Europe and one member as far away as New Zealand.
The WCA owns and operates the number 1 canoe route site in the world Canadian Canoe Routes.
Founded in 1957, Plum Island Surfcasters is a growing club of recreational fishermen, who are involved in surf, boat, kayak and fly fishing with interest in other related areas, such as beach access, conservation, and fishery management planning.
Juniors Program: A prime objective of the club is the recruitment and training of a new generation of recreational fishermen. We offer young people the experience of salt and fresh water fishing with adult mentors.
The club holds year-round monthly meetings for sharing techniques and experiences, discussing legislation, addressing club issues, and showcasing popular speakers.
New England Kayak Fishing
NEKF was created in 2005 with the goal of becoming the premier kayak fishing information site for the New England region where people from the region can get reliable unbiased information and meet new people to fish with.
In it’s first year, the NEKF Mass Bay started the NEKF Massachusetts Bay Striper Shootout. Now readying for it’s 16th year, the tournament has become a centerpiece of the striper season. Funds raised support several local charities
Events we support:
Yankee Homecoming: Paddle the Port River Races
In 2016, Newburyport’s Yankee Homecoming festivities were expanded to include a Kayak and SUP race on the Merrimack River. Launching for Cashman Park, heading upriver and around the islands, this race has grown in participation and enthusiasm each year.
Maine Canoe Symposium
The Maine Canoe Symposium is a volunteer-run, non-profit event. Participants of all ages get a feel for the diversity of North America’s canoeing heritage and develop canoeing and related skills through workshops, presentations, and hands-on instruction. It’s a great family event
The program includes basic recreational, competitive, freestyle, whitewater, and traditional canoe tripping and poling. It also features land-based workshops on related topics including history, geography, cooking, and bushcraft - just to name a few. In addition, a separate kid-friendly canoeing and wilderness program introduces the next generation to the sport.
Paddle for Plummer
The Annual Paddle for Plummer is an amazing day full of energy, fitness and fun for a fantastic cause! Over 400 participants and spectators come together to enjoy live music, food, waterfront spinning, SUP yoga, and, of course, paddling on our beautiful waterfront property at Plummer Youth Promise in Salem, MA. Locally and internationally known sponsors and vendors will be doing demos and supporting Plummer Youth Promise. Click here to see photos from last year’s event!
All funds raised support Plummer Youth Promise.