White Rose Canoe Farewell Paddle (Final date/time TBD)
Read more to get updates on plans for a Farewell to the White Rose…
Read more to get updates on plans for a Farewell to the White Rose…
Established in 1986, the Maine Canoe Symposium is a fun-filled weekend where you can learn new skills, connect with other paddlers, share stories, and enjoy the quintessential Maine sport of canoeing.
Our usual late October save-the-date reminder that what will be the 17th edition of the Western Pennsylvania Solo Canoe Rendezvous is planned to occur on June 6/7/8 of 2025, at our regular home at Cooper’s Lake Campground. A long ways out, but wanted you to know that plans are afoot. In the meantime, our website (wpascr.org) will give you all sorts of info as to how to find us, camping arrangements, what usually goes on, and assorted other stuff.
So make a note, and we’ll send you another reminder next April or so…
The Wawenocks, a vanished coastal tribe who occupied an area between Casco Bay and Penobscot Bay, developed a unique system of canoe routes through this region. Join Matt and Ozzie as they follow three of the old carry trails (ahwangans) used to bypass the rough waters.
This lavishly illustrated presentation will cover: Where to go and how to get there. How to plan a fun, successful, and safe trip. Choosing and packing essential equipment. Recruiting the team and coordination of goals. Canoe camping with kids – so that they want to come again.
Hear how in one day a solo paddler canoed the Nashua River from the rising of the Nashua River "Meeting of the Waters" in Lancaster Mass. to where the Nashua joins the Merrimack River in Nashua NH.
Join IRWA for a Fall Foliage paddle
A Gathering of folks from throughout the Northeast and Canada who share their love for backcountry travel by canoe, by snowshoe, or by ski. Land and water workshops, great presenters, good food, and the opportunity to make good friends.
10/04 Update: Registration is open and there is still space available!!
Learn precision canoeing techniques for everyday paddling.
Ipswich River beavers recycle too… (kayak paddle on roof)
A pleasant paddle - join us!
Lunch stop!
Week long celebration of wooden canoes - their history, current use and everything in between. If you have any interest is these gorgeous and effective canoes.
Lake Gardner is finally open! And we’re ready to paddle. Click for more info.
Celebrate the Ipswich River - free to members and the community
Established in 1986, the Maine Canoe Symposium is a fun-filled weekend where you can learn new skills, connect with other paddlers, share stories, and enjoy the quintessential Maine sport of canoeing.
A long standing informal gathering of solo paddlers, manufacturers, and vendors of solo canoes and paddling equipment.
“I’ve had the opportunity to fish from almost every type of watercraft, and have come to the conclusion that if I only could have one fishing boat…it would be a canoe” Come to the Gather to find out why!
Attention Trippers and folks who want to find out more about back country canoeing - here’s a great resource that is valuable even if you can’t get to the actual event.
Join us as Bob Latshaw shares his paddle on the Broken Skull River in the Canadian Northwest and Chester “Ozzy” Osborne talks about his urban tripping experience paddling from the Assabet River to the Sea.
Join Charlie Saulnier, formerly with the Essex Agricultural & Technical High School in Danvers (now part of the Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School) and John Macone, Policy and Education Specialist for the Merrimack River Watershed Council, as they share their knowledge of, and experiences paddling on, the Merrimack River.
A Gathering of folks from throughout the Northeast and Canada who share their love for backcountry travel by canoe, by snowshoe, or by ski. Land and water workshops, great presenters, good food, and the opportunity to make good friends.
Join us for Messin’ about in a variety of canoes from fellow paddlers and the White Rose Canoe demo fleet.
Join us for a Messin’ About paddle on the Parker River.
Join us for a relaxed paddle on the Ipswich.
The Ipswich River Watershed Association’s Paddle-a-thon is a unique signature fundraising event celebrating the Ipswich River and clean water. It’s IRWA’s annual fundraising event that encourages folks to paddle a stretch of the Ipswich River on their own or with friends.
Party at Riverbend — Morning Mindfulness Paddle — Family Turtle Paddle — Your Portraits & River Stories — Canoe Auction
This is a great event, and the new location and approach is going to make it even better. We (White Rose Canoe) are one of the sponsors of the event and we strongly encourage all of our friends and customers to participate and donate!
NEW LOCATION: Paddle from the Ipswich River Canoe Launch on Ipswich Road, by Willowdale Park and just upstream from Foote Brothers Canoe and Kayak.
Join us for a relaxed paddle on the Ipswich.
Paddle from Lake Gardner Beach, Amesbury to Woodsom Park landing.
Join us at the White Rose for a fun day of trying out canoes, chatting with Steve Procunier, the Nova Craft Director of Sales, listening to a couple of speakers, and (if you place the order by April 1st) picking up your new special order Nova Craft canoe!
Gear - the bits and bobs that can make a paddle safer and more comfortable. . There are minimum needs, basic kits and purpose specific extensions. Each paddler’s kit is a bit different, so this is a great opportunity to compare choices and pick up new ideas that will make your paddles more fun!
(Click the title for more info)
Ipswich River Watershed Association is auctioning off a Merrimack Osprey canoe (donated by White Rose Canoe) as part of its annual Paddle-a-thon fund raiser. Bidding is now open!!